Digital Persuasion

Mike Johnston for Mayor

Mike Johnston came in first place in the General Election and won the runoff election in June '23. He is now Denver's Mayor.


5+ million impressions

Across YouTube, CTV, social media, and programmatic ad platforms.

30+ creative assets

From videos to graphics to GIFs to share copy that stands out.

7%+ brand lift on YouTube

Creating videos that made impact.

85k voters reached

Throughout Denver.

As both the fundraising and persuasion firm for Mike Johnston’s campaign, our task was to make Mike’s personal story and vision for Denver stand out in a field of 17 candidates — first, by raising money among small-dollar donors, and then taking those resources to run a comprehensive digital persuasion program. Our persuasion program packaged Mike’s bio with the policy messages that polling showed were critical to winning the race using a combination of direct-to-camera videos, eye-catching graphics, and targeted Search ads. Brand-lift testing showed that these ads meaningfully boosted Mike among the electorate. He came in first place in the General Election and, is now Denver’s mayor.

Digital Videos


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